Upcoming Dates
Avid Assistant Editor Workshop | 2 Day
The job of the assistant editor has never been so tough. Assistants are expected to handle a dizzying array of tasks including how to ingest a myriad range of file formats and codecs, Sync and group multiple cameras, prep for export and on-line and of course, organize, organize, organize. Assistants are often expected to know everything from “why did my computer crash” to “why can’t I AMA link my 5D footage” to “where are my are keys?!”
This two-day workshop will teach you the skills to get you well on your way to becoming an Avid Assistant Editor. We will cover topics from how to create a project to ingesting file based media such as XDCAM EX and Canon 5D footage to prepping for on-line and creating an AAF export.
The class will cover the following topics:
Creating Projects and Profiles
Organizational Techniques
Introduction to Avid User Interface
File Base Ingest
Import and AMA
Capturing Tape
Group and Multigroup
Multicamera Editing
Audio Passes
Exporting Quicktimes
Exporting AAF/OMF Files
Outputting to Tape
Prep for On-line
Who should attend?
This class is designed for the budding assistant editor or producer.
Prospective students should have taken our MC 101: Media Composer Fundamentals I or have equivalent knowledge of Avid prior to taking this class.
Each student gets their own workstation.