Panasonic TECH TALK at Manhattan Edit Workshop

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An introduction to the Panasonic Cinema Camera Line focusing on the compact & lightweight 5.7K EVA1.

Join Panasonic for a free Tech Talk at Manhattan Edit Workshop! We will have multiple EVA1 kits for attendees to get hands-on time exploring along with the Panasonic VariCam and the all-in-one CX350 camcorder. Panasonic experts will present and be available to answer questions on the cameras, and guest Cinematographer Jodi Savitz will discuss how they use the Panasonic cameras in their work.

Where: Manhattan Edit Workshop

When: February 19, 2020

Time: 6:00PM

Where: 119 W 23rd Street, Suite 700

Cost: FREE!



About Jodi Savitz: Jodi Savitz is a director and cinematographer based in New York City who specializes in documentary, narrative and branded content. A graduate of Northwestern University’s School of Communications, Jodi began her career as an actress before pivoting into filmmaking

In 2016, her feature documentary, Girl On Girl, received viral attention for its unique coverage of the LGBTQ community and feminine lesbian identity. In addition to shooting and directing, she crafted a grassroots brand identity and marketing strategy for her documentary, Girl on Girl, that gained international recognition and facilitated the growth of an online community of LGBTQ women that is home to nearly 500,000 fans.

In the same year, she produced, directed, and shot several short documentaries with the launch of NBC OUT, and became known for capturing intersectional stories with political, religious, and LGBTQ themes. Jodi currently works with NBC Left Field as a cinematographer and investigative video journalist on projects across the globe.

Recent work includes One Man's Quest to Ban Conversion Therapy in California (NBC Left Field/Focus Features), Is Makeup Sexist? (NBC/Today Show), Like a Prayer: Can You Be Queer and Religious? (Teen Vogue/Them). Her work has screened at The St. Louis International Film Festival, NewFest, HBO’s Women in Comedy Film Festival, and more.


About Mitch Gross: Mitch is the Cinema Product Manager for Panasonic Systems Solutions Company of North America. He manages the VariCam cameras as well as the EVA1. Before joining Panasonic, Mitch worked for several leading cinema manufacturers and sales companies. Mitch has been part of the New York production community for more than 30 years, starting in the motion picture industry as a camera assistant, eventually becoming a cinematographer on more than two dozen features and hundreds of commercials, documentaries, music videos and two television series. He lives in New York with his wife and family.