
Upcoming Dates      

  • Apr 12 - 13, 2025 (In Person or Online)

  • June 28 - 29, 2025 (In Person or Online)

Click HERE for information regarding online workshops.

Basic Fundamentals of CINEMA 4D

LEarn the fundamentals of Cinema 4d - $1,095

[TWO -DAY INTENSIVE, 10am-6pm]

Easy to use and extremely powerful, Cinema 4D is a leading software in 3D animation and modeling used in film, television and video game creation and design.  By learning to work with basic primitives, polygons, splines, textures, lights, cameras and dynamic animation, users can advance their production work into a full 3D modeling interface.  Because of its seamless integration with After Effects, VFX artists now have a full 3D modeling application at their fingertips, through the Cineware pipeline.

Through our two-day course, students will learn the fundamentals of Cinema 4D and appreciate how user-friendly and fun it is to create realistic 3D images and objects. Though Cinema 4D is a robust program, this class will give you a solid foundation to create actual 3D geometry and teach you how to use it in profession projects. Through a series of in-class demonstrations, supervised activities and open play, students will learn not only how to navigate through the program but how to push the limit of their creative visions into rendered 3D scenes.

Each student gets their own workstation.  

Who this class is for:

The course is structured for VFX artists and editors who want to get an introduction into 3D object and models in their video work. 


Students should have a basic understanding a video editing and visual effects and some familiarity with Adobe After Effects will definitely be helpful.

By the end of this class students will:

  • Understand the basics of navigating Cinema 4D and manipulating primitive objects

  • Work with splines and generators to create complex geometry

  • Modeling and deforming objects based on reference images

  • Working with textures and lights to create realistic models

  • Animating 3D scenes with keyframes and cameras

  • Setting up 3D workflow from preferences to render settings

  • Compositing models into video scenes and adding visual FX.

The VFX Editor job responsibilities are dependent whether he is hired on "client side" (i.e. working with production and the director of a project) or on "vendor side" (i.e working in a visual effects facility).

Interested in seeing what Cinema 4D can do?  Click here to for a free trial version for 42 days!




Upcoming Dates


Class runs evenings from 7:00pm - 9:30pm

Please let us know if you are interested in taking this class online in the comments section.

Click HERE for information regarding online workshops.

Making the Cut 

Master EDITORS SEMINAR Workshop - $599

[EVENING INTENSIVE, Tuesday & Thursday for two weeks from 7:00pm - 9:30pm]

The purpose of this course is to reveal the art and technique of master editors through the screening and discussion of their work.   By doing a cut-by-cut analysis, Bobbie will explain the strategies and decisions behind the editing of many successful films - based on extensive interviews from her books, panels, and event series - which will ultimately empower you to become a better editor, filmmaker, and storyteller. 


  • CLASS ONE - FROM DAILIES TO FINAL CUT: Revolutionary use of camera, editing, and music. Film - The Graduate.

  • CLASS TWO -  DIALOGUE: Subtext, eyelines, and breaking rules. Films - 12 Angry Men, Chinatown, Gosford Park, Moulin Rouge, Moneyball, Arrival, I Tonya, and Widows.

  • CLASS THREE - BEGINNINGS AND ENDINGS: Setting up a world and the payoff. FilmsA Hard Day’s Night,  Bonnie & Clyde,  Annie Hall, The Big Chill, Michael Clayton, and Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens.

  • CLASS FOUR - SEX and SUSPENSE: The build up and point of view. Films - Rear Window, Rosemary’s Baby, Body Heat, Silence of the Lambs, Out of Sight, Black Swan, and Blade Runner 2049.

Special Guest Editor TBD!  Past guest editors include Michael Berenbaum, ACE (Sex and the City, The Americans), Carol Littleton, ACE (E.T, The Big Chill, Body Heat), Stephen Rotter (The Right Stuff, Enchanted), and Craig McKay, ACE (Philadelphia, Silence of the Lambs). Guest editors will visit one of our classes during the workshop.

Who should attend? Editors, Assistant Editors, Post Supervisors, Directors, Producers, and Filmmakers.

This class runs Tuesday & Thursday for two weeks from 7:00pm - 9:30pm.

Read more about Bobbie O'Steen Here. 



Upcoming Dates

  • Inquire for more information

Scratch 101 | 2 Day

Finishing - $995

[TWO -DAY INTENSIVE, 10am-6pm]

Our two-day hands-on workshop, SCRATCH: Finishing introduces students to this powerful finishing toolset. Are you an independent feature film-maker who needs a comprehensive, end-to-end post-production DI workflow with uncompromising quality? Or are you a colorist who needs a conform and color-grading tool ideal for the unique requirements of episodic broadcast? SCRATCH is so flexible and comprehensive it is the ideal tool for both specific needs. 

Each student gets their own workstation.  

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of the MAC OS and software navigation.

What you will learn:

  • Elements of the user interface

  • Cartesian coordinates

  • Drawing with precision

  • Modifying existing entities

  • Defining repeated elements

  • Annotating the drawing

  • Publishing to various formats

Course Outline:

DAY 1: 
1. Start

  • Intro Screen

  • User Preferences

  • Project setup

  • Media paths

  • Log files

  • Licensing

2. CONstruct View overview

  • General Layout

  • CONstruct explanation

  • CONstruct grouping and editing

  • Swiping for tools (left-groups, Up display, etc)

  • CONstruct management (Moving, renaming, editing)

  • Construct view, Output View

  • Settings and tools

3. Media

  • Loading media by shot

  • Loading media by layer

  • Media Browser

  • Entering the player

4. Player

  • Player Overview

  • Process Overview

  • Edit overview

  • Matrix Overview

5.  Output

  • Overview output tab

  • Adding additional outputs

  • Adding plug-ins like burn-ins

  • Saving naming masks

  • Saving file tree setups

LAB Dailies Workflow
1. Load Media and Create Constructs

  • Create dailies groups and constructs

  • Load footage

  • Sort based on timecode

  • Reformat using fit width on all frames.

2. Sync Audio and Edit

  • Open media browser and marry audio

  • Sync audio with clap

  • NEW FEATURE, Verify Scene and Take in MetaData via BWF

  • Find new in point and trim heads

  • Find new out point and trim tails.

3. Color grade and verify color range with scopes

  • Open scopes

  • Apply lookup and CDL / LUT Data according to camera report

  • Apply one light color grade

4. Create output(s)

  • Build output tree

  • Create burn-ins

  • Export QT

  • Export MXF

5. Process que and rendering

  • Add construct to process que

  • Verify rendering

DAY 2:

C&D: Scratch Finishing Workflow

The Conform:

  • Importing edl/xml/ale

  • Media browser

  • Conforming against an offline edit in dual view

  • The editor - cuts, dissolves, varispeed

Primary and Secondary Grading

  • Scaffolds

  • The qualifier - keying

  • The canvas - mattes, masks

Advanced Grading Using Scaffolds

  • Compositing - alpha channels, transfer modes

  • Using the tracker

  • Importing a track

Click here for a free 30 day Scratch trial before you take the class.