Sight, Sound & Story
Produced by Manhattan Edit Workshop (MEWShop,) the “Sight, Sound & Story” is an ongoing high-profile speaker series that brings audiences behind the scenes with legends of all aspects of visual storytelling.
““It was a real honor to be there, and I had a lot of fun with our discussion. I really hope everyone got something out of the panel, and hope to see their careers grow & flourish! I really admire what you all are doing, and think it serves a valuable purpose in the industry. As I mentioned, I wish I had attended one of your seminars when I was 25!”
““This was one of the best events I’ve ever covered.””
Suzy Elmiger, ACE and Julius Ramsay
Bobbie O'Steen and Dylan Tichenor, ACE
Previous Award-Winning Guests
Michael Kahn, ACE (Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Lincoln)
William Goldenberg, ACE (Argo, The Imitation Game, Zero Dark Thirty)
Alan Heim, ACE (All That Jazz, Network)
Jerry Greenberg, ACE (Apocalypse Now, The French Connection)
Paul Koestner (Louie, Deadbeat, Better Things)
Sidney Wolinsky, ACE (The Sopranos, The Strain, Ray Donovan)
Bill Pankow, ACE (The Untouchables, Carlito’s Way)
Cindy Mollo, ACE (House of Cards, Mad Men)
Nancy Schreiber, ASC (November, The Nines, The Comeback)
Rob Legato (Avatar, Hugo)
Fabienne Bouville, ACE (American Horror Story, Masters of Sex)
Susan Morse, ACE (Manhattan, Hannah and Her Sisters)
& much, much more!